Running a small e-commerce business is just as bad - yes, I can buy stock at say £10 per item in bulk (factoring in shipping charges from manufacturer) - but then once I add on outward postage (about £5), corporation tax (19%), VAT (20%), card processing fees (Stripe: 20p+1.5%) - that's £21.95* even ignoring any platform fees (Shopify, web hosting costs etc), storage, labour, packaging materials, losses (damaged goods, stuff just sat there for years, postage losses, international orders which are returned as the person missed their apartment number and so you refunded the order+lost the postage cost....), photography costs, insurance, accountancy fees.... *£21.95 is approximate as you'll have to pay the VAT/corporation tax on the total amount charged but have to take it all into account when working out the amount to pass to the card processor who then adds their fees... It can get confusing and makes me wonder why I bother