Apart from subtext and surtext there is also structural context: the proportion between the quantity of woke/leftist/political metaphors (put there willingly or subconsciously by screewriters), and the quality of narration as such. I can easily enjoy a good movie with, say, homosexual characters given that the plot is interesting and the characters credible. But if the statements become too blatant at the expense of everything else that makes a movie memorable, well, then I will be the first to complain. I agree fully with what you say about the sheer number of people who do not understand what they are watching. It is sad. I agree also with Kenny Boyle's post. But let us not forget that "X-Men", "Star Wars", original "Star Trek" and "Superman" were innovative, interesting, excellent productions. It does not work the other way, however: Putting a political message into a movie won't automatically make it a good one. I will even argue that it will turn a bad movie into even worse – first, because of annoyance factor, second, because the limited creative energy was spend on crafting the message, not on improving the plot.