People who think messing with the 4:3 aspect ratio of old TV shows is a good idea should not be allowed to work in anything to do with TV. Cropping to 16:9 by removing top and/or bottom always results in scenes with things strangely partly chop off. (I've seen MAS*H broadcast cropping to 16:9 with bits of credits chopped in half horizontally.) Expanding to beyond 4:3 frame of an original source at best results in odd looking shots where everyone seems to be stood too close together in the middle, and at worst results in crew or equipment or the edge of sets becoming visible. It's been repeatedly demonstrated that people involved in doing that will release an end result with crew etc visible. Cheers and Star Trek: The Next Generation are examples of how remastered versions of old TV shows should be done, 4:3 but now with great image quality.