The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who: Paradise Towers
I'm loving the fact that BBC iPlayer has all the classic Who stories available to stream. I've been dipping in and out of the ones I don't have in my DVD collection. Paradise Towers is a brilliant story. It is well directed (which makes a nice change) and the story actually makes sense (mostly). The set decoration and story elements directly influence the modern series.
And - most importantly of all - it contains a mobile phone!
I'm not talking about the Walkie-Talkies which are non-functioning props. I'm talking about this beauty:
(From Episode 2)
There's also a shot of it being used by Blue Kang:
But could that be just a regular phone with a long cord?
There's a clearer shot when the Chief Caretaker is disposed of:
![A man in a silver uniform stands next to a wall-mounted phone.](
And a slightly sideways angle:
![The same shot but from a different angle.](
It looks like there are buttons on the back of the handset - the opposite side from the speaker and microphone. Most touch-tone phones that I remember had the buttons on the same side. Here's the Argos catalogue from 1987 to prove my memory isn't faulty:
So I think this is a carphone. Specifically, the Panasonic VM1 which was used to launch Vodafone in 1985.
![A large boxy carphone.](
It has the same physical shape - with the angled mouthpiece. The button configuration is the same - 6 rows of 3. Above the buttons looks like like the display grid. And the bottom appears to have a white logo.
Here's a couple of crappy composites.
![A clear shot of the phone superimposed next to a screen capture from the episode.](
![A clear image of a phone superimposed next to a grainy screenshot.](
The "Send" and "End" buttons on the top row are slightly darker on both. You can see more shots on the product page for the EB-6301. Various photos of the phone show it with Racal branding.
The phone model is relatively famous; it was used by Ernie Wise as part of Vodafone's launch.
I think that might be the only commercially available carphone used by The Doctor in the original series. There are some non-cannon appearances - but I'll keep my eyes pealed for more.
In the meantime, you can browse through the Mobile Phone of Doctor Who archives.
@Edent I've been watching in order from the start, because there's so much (up to and including the Baker era) that I've never actually seen before.
It's all so... variable. 😺
mike says:
Paradise Towers is a story I specifically found to watch very recently, after working out what it was called. A memory of the… thing…in the pool has been stuck in my mind from viewing it once when it originally aired. I've been dipping in our of various series and Drs. "variable" is a good one word description of it all, Paradise Towers is certainly well towards the top of what I've watched so far.
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