TfL are blocking rooted devices from accessing maps - how to fix

TfL Go is a handy app. It gives you real-time access to the timetables and delays of London's tube and bus network. That's all you can do with it. You can't buy tickets, store a photocard, or anything like that.

Which was why I was annoyed when this popped up in-app one day:

Error. TfL Go is only supported on unmodified version of Android.

I emailed them asking why they were doing this. The reply I got back was underwhelming:

Thank you for contacting us about your access to the TfL Go App. The app is only compatible with normal iOS and Android software. Any jailbreaks or modifications to software will prevent you from using the app.

If this was a hyper-secure banking app then I would accept that limitation of General Purpose Computation. But it's literally just a mapping app.

How To Fix

Version 1.43 seems to be the latest version which works without ROM detection.

Warning! Installing apps from 3rd party app stores can expose you to malware. Think carefully before you do this. If you want to make sure the APK you've downloaded in genuine, do the following:

  • Download version 1.43 of APK and save it somewhere.
  • Install the APK on your device.
  • Immediately go to the Play store and update it to the latest version.
  • If it can't be updated:
    • The cryptographic signatures won't match. This usually means the APK has been compromised.
    • You should uninstall the untrustworthy app and, if paranoid, factory reset your phone.
  • If it can be updated:
    • the APK is genuine. Uninstall the update and reinstall the APK.
  • In the Play Store, untick "Enable auto-update". You won't get an incompatible version installed.
    Screenshot of the Google Play store. The "Enable Auto-Update" option is unticked.

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6 thoughts on “TfL are blocking rooted devices from accessing maps - how to fix”

  1. Ariel says:

    I raised this with my London Assembly Member and TfL said this: Hi Anne,   Thank you for your email on behalf f your constituent, Ariel.   This restriction has been added to TfL Go in preparation for a change coming in the near future – we are adding functionality to enable customers to manage their Oyster and Contactless cards within TfL Go, including topping up, purchasing travelcards, viewing journey history so they can use a single app for their public transport needs in London. Like our existing Oyster and Contactless app, to meet Payment Card industry requirements, including agreements with acquirers and brands, we cannot support any jailbroken or rooted devices

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