Every Book I Read This Year
Rather pleasingly, I averaged one book a week this year, 52 in total.

24 by women - although that doesn't include compilations which had a mixture of genders. So fairly even handed.
As per usual, I alternated between fiction and non-fiction. I find my brain gets confused otherwise. I also set my eReader to have a different font per book so they don't start bleeding in to each other.
This year, I deliberately set out to read some older books - not just those on the modern best-sellers list.
At some stage I'll have to take all the review data and see if I prefer fiction to non-fiction, men to women, or older books to newer ones. But, for now, here are some of the highlights:
- There Is Nothing for You Here - Fiona Hill - this has stayed with me longer than I thought it would.
- Theory of Bastards - Audrey Schulman - an excellent hard sci-fi romp.
- The Premonitions Bureau - Sam Knight - just a bonkers bit of history.
- The Constant Sinner - Mae West - pure exploitation trash, I loved it!
- The Cuckoo's Egg - Clifford Stoll - an entertaining retelling of cybersecurity history.
What's Next?
I wrote a Python script to get alerted when my Amazon wishlist books drops in price. As such, I have 30+ books on my reading list for 2024!
Nevertheless, if you want to recommend something you've read (or you've written) please stick a note in the comments.
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