Laziest Possible Dark-Mode Toggle - Using :has() and invert()
I'm not saying this is a good way to make a dark mode website. I'm not even saying it's a sensible way to do dark mode. But I'm pretty sure this is the laziest way of getting dark mode on your site. And it is all done with less than a handful of CSS rules.
It relies on the new-ish :has()
CSS pseudo class and the positively ancient filter()
CSS function.
Here's the code in all its glory:
body:has( > #dark-mode-checkbox:checked ) {
filter: invert(1);
background: #000;
#dark-mode-checkbox:checked ~ img {
filter: invert(1);
That does three things. If the body has an <input id="dark-mode-checkbox" type="checkbox">
which is selected, then:
- Invert all the colours on everything on the site.
- Manually set the background of the body, because the above is only filtering the descendants of the body.
- Find any images and invert them, so they're the right colour.
Here's some minimum viable HTML:
<input id="dark-mode-checkbox" type="checkbox">
<label class="dark-mode-label" for="dark-mode-checkbox">Enable dark mode</label>
<img src="" alt="A cute cat">
You can play with the demo.
It should look like this:
A few issues:
- This doesn't yet work on Firefox. Even if you enable
in about:config. Support is coming soon™. - Inverting colours isn't the same as a properly designed dark mode. You absolutely shouldn't use this in production.
- There are no accessibility guarantees. Please test this before subjecting your users to it.
- This doesn't remember your user's choice. So they'll need to toggle it on every page load.
- Who knows what eldritch horrors this will unleash upon humanity.
@edent says:
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