Introducing Open Ideas

As previously mentioned, I quit my job. So now I'm no longer working for The Man. Instead, I am working for a man. Specifically: me0.

I've launched Open Ideas Ltd. It's a bespoke computing consultancy focused on open technologies. Here's a brief run-down of what I offer:

  • Open Source
    • Want to understand open source licencing? Confused about your options? Worried about getting it right? I am here to help.
  • Open Standards
    • Interested in getting involved with Standards Development Organisations? I have the experience you need.
  • Open Data
    • Ready to publish open data? Getting started with an open API? Let me help you craft a brilliant developer experience.
  • Cyber Security
    • How do you audit your open source supply chain? What are the limits of coding in the open? I can advise you on how to solve these problems.
  • Tech Policy
    • Writing tech policy or guidance? Need a subject matter expert? I will give you a helping hand to craft effective policy papers.

I'm lucky enough to have a few clients already - a large corporate, a charity, an art project, and a non-profit. But, if you need some help becoming a little more open, you can book a meeting with me or drop me an email.

  1. Well, technically me & Liz. My partner in life is also my partner in business. ↩︎

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What links here from around this blog?

  1. Still of Ncuti Gatwa as Doctor Who saying "Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Week Notes - "Someone tell me what the hell is going on here?"

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