Why I'm using "Mx" as a title
I am not non-binary. I am cis-gendered - and pretty much the definition of "default male".
And yet, whenever I encounter a form which has it as an option, I select my title to be "Mx".

I've even stopped my usual practice of choose His Excellency - much to the dismay of my postie, I'm sure!
Why though? I've got two good reasons and one silly one.
The first is selfish. My gender and marital status are no-one's business other than mine and my spouse's. I don't care if it messes with your demographic data. You do not need to know which chromosome configuration I'm rocking in order to deliver a parcel to me.
The second is selfless. It helps normalise things for my enby friends. The more times people see this title in the wild, the less remarkable it will be. It's no different to referring to one's husband or wife as "partner".
Finally, as a Certified Agent of Chaos, I rather enjoy the small pause that people make when addressing me on the phone. How do you pronounce "Mx"?0 It isn't entirely obvious. And the title is still new enough that I've had more than one person tell me the computer has made a mistake and they'll correct it!
I hope this doesn't come across as me wanting to cosplay as a minority. I just don't want to live in a boring monochrome world of strictly defined binaries - and I want to make it slightly easier for people to be themselves.
Next time you're filling in a form, why not try picking Mx as your title. What's the worst that could happen?
Personally, I don't want it pronounced. If you're talking to me by phone then something has gone very wrong. ↩︎
Michele says:
GothBoyUK says:
I chose whatever is first on the form, so I'm mostly mister
@edent says:
Flyn says:
@edent says:
Flyn says:
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