An interesting introspective into the Labarynth of paradoxical derivation, intuition, ingenouity and creativity amongst others. Philosophically this Socratic prompt contains many fields of mind, many layers of complexity and depth. A mirror maze of sorts, a game. Does Pac-Man give credit to Dedeleus, is Pac-Man aware of the construct, of the ghosts? Personally I would credit to anyone who has placed the effort in building the construct no matter the size of their contribution. We all reflect each other in the collective commons of ideas. A theory may be born to an individual a priori to the knowledge that a proof or idea already exists, and for that matter, always may have existed. Knowledge and acknowledgment of the initial creator/creation is a reflection of self in many ways. An idea is tangential and remains constrained until it is shared with others, at which point one can reflectivity appreciate its shared existence. I see it akin to a social contract of sorts, agreements that an experience exists requires a consensus. We all tap into the pool of past, present and future knowledge when we create our own labyrinths. I would prefer to navigate that construct with other like minded creators I can share credit with as it takes shape into many forms. Having creative allies helps avoid the Minator. From a legal perspective we follow agreed upon rules, that said there are unwritten agreements to which we also adhere. De Jour and De Facto can be delineated but only in one aspect is it an unrecorded contract. The Ship of Theseus does not have to be a Corsair, plundering ideas for self edification leads the Minator of mind to devour itself, makes me reflect on some of the works of Heironymous Bosch.