The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - behind the scenes of The Poisoned Sky

As I've discussed previously, I'm helping a collector who has acquired loads of mobile phones used in Doctor Who.

Today's edition - The Poisoned Sky.

As the Sontarans choke the Earth, the Doctor and UNIT battle to keep both Martha and Donna alive.

A large plot point is Evil Clone Martha stealing a UNIT PDA and using it to HACK THE MAINFRAME.

Still from Doctor Who. Martha is holding a PDA.

At various times she prevents missiles being launched:

Still from Doctor Who. A PDA displays "Engage. Yes. No."

And disrupts UNIT's abilities to defeat the Sontaran menace:

Still from Doctor Who. A PDA displays "Launch. Yes. No."

That original PDA is now in the hands of Collectors Props Wales after they bought it from the BBC studios where, no doubt, it has languished in a cupboard for a dozen years. After finding a charging cable, the owner was kind enough to send me these photos of some of the media saved on the device:

It's interesting to see that the display seen on TV was designed to be animated, rather than static.

PDA displaying an animation with Yes and No buttons.

There are also some pictures on there which don't appear to have been used in the episode (do correct me if I'm wrong).

PDA displaying a grid of numbers.

Some of the graphics are quite different from what's shown on screen. I assume they mocked-up various graphics and went with whatever looked best.

PDA displaying "14 point launch code. Engage, yes, no."

The phones are available to buy on eBay but do contact them directly if the phone you want isn't yet available.

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One thought on “The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - behind the scenes of The Poisoned Sky”

  1. WhoPhone says:

    Strangely has the graphic for the indigo device that Martha Jones opens and gives the teleport base code to Captain Jack to get his vortex manipulator to work again! how odd that it's on this too.. hmm.. same SD card perhaps?

What are your reckons?

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