Book Review: Denizen 43 - A. E. Currie

Book cover. A star floats in space.I usually don't like reading endless sequels of sci-fi books - but I'll make a gleeful exception for Anne Currie's "Panopticon" series. What if the METAVERSE but IN SPACE! With a MURDER! C'mon, how can you not love that?

At its heart is a classic Asimov mystery. Why would a robot kill a human? It is mixed in with a deliciously disturbing dystopia ("But I want to be under constant surveillance!") I'm never quite sure whether I would want to live in the world she's created - but I sure do enjoy visiting.

It moves rapidly, with very little time to catch your breath. Like any threequel, it relies heavily on you having read the previous books - there isn't too much exposition here; just plot rushing straight at your head. A cliffhanger every couple of chapters and a satisfying conclusion.

Perfect beach reading - if you can pull the Oculus Quest off your face long enough.

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