The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - behind the scenes In the Forest of the Night

I'm back with some more exclusive Doctor Who goodies!

A collector has recently acquired a load of old Who prop phones - and I'm working with them to identify which episodes they're from.

You might remember Series 8's "In the Forest of the Night. It's the kid-heavy episode with lots of unidentified phones.

Bunch of schoolkids holding phones.

At the time, I wasn't able to get a clear enough view of the phones to work out what they all were. Thankfully, the props team gave the kids real working phones. And you know what kids do with phones, right? No - not TikTok. Photos!

White t-mobile Android featuring Harley Bird.

(Excuse the blurry shots.) I'm pretty sure that's Harley Bird - AKA the voice of Peppa Pig.

That's not all the phone has on it. According to the description, there's a bunch of photos and videos. And...

The scene in the tardis where the doctor has lost Maebh and Ruby says she’s gonna die. The cheeky kid recorded the audio on the phone, complete with behind the scenes conversations and actual different versions of the same scene. “Action - take 3” …..”cut” etc etc it’s all saved forever on the actual phone used in the actual scene. Amazing

You can buy the phone on eBay.

There's also this little Android:

Photo of a phone showing a selfie.

Yup! A selfie with the actor Samuel Anderson who plays Danny Pink. In fact, the phone is full of on-set photos!

Photo of a phone - there are dozens of photos shown on-screen.

But I think we can do one better than that, right?

Photo of a phone showing a photo of the Interior of the TARDIS.

Woo! In amongst all the photos on there is a cheeky snap of the interior of Capaldi's TARDIS 🤯

As I've said, I don't own these phones - I've very kindly been given a sneak peek of their contents. The phones are available to buy now on eBay. If you do find anything exciting on them, please do share with the fan community.

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2 thoughts on “The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - behind the scenes In the Forest of the Night”

  1. Arthur says:

    Looks like they would make a great prop for a dedicated Dr Who fan.From a security perspective, it's amazing how many people sell used stuff with personal data still onboard.

What are your reckons?

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