Gadget Review - X-Sense Wireless Interlinked Heat Alarm XH02-W
Last year, I reviewed the X-Sense wireless interlinked smoke alarms. They were a multipack of smoke alarms - set one off in the kitchen and the one in your bedroom will start chirping.
As I noted at the time, they were only smoke alarms. Without an interlinked heat alarm, they may not have been compliant with Scottish legislation.
Well, I'm pleased to say the fine folk at X-Sense have released an interlinked heat alarm. They've kindly sent me one to review.
Set up was pretty easy. The little instruction manual showed how to set one of the smoke alarms into pairing mode. With a few flicks of a switch, the heat alarm became part of the network. The back of the device also has basic instructions:

It's a small, light, and unobtrusive alarm unit. It's loud enough and, even if you're a sound sleeper, sets off all the alarms in your house - even if they're on a different floor. It's relatively cheap and easy to screw onto a ceiling without needing to wire it in.
The battery claims to have a ten year life-span. Check back to this blog in a decade to see if that's accurate!
It doesn't interlink with the X-Sense WiFi enabled smoke alarm. That's really my only complaint. If it goes off, I won't get a pop up on my phone. You may think that's an advantage!
As will most interlinked systems, it only guarantees to interlink with units from the same manufacturer.
Overall? It's a small and cheap alarm with a handy interconnect. If you've already got their other alarms, it makes sense to add this to your home.
Verdict |