Unicode operators for semantically correct programming

Why do most programming languages use the / character when we have a perfectly good ÷ symbol? Similarly, why use != instead of ? Or => rather than ?

The obvious answer is that the humble keyboard usually only has around 100 keys - and most humans have a hard time remembering where thousands of alternate characters are.

Some programming fonts attempt to get around this with ligatures. That allows the user to type <= but have the font display

Are there any modern programming languages which allow the use of semantically correct Unicode symbols as operators?

As far as I can tell, there's only one!


Here's a trivial example which creates the ÷ operator:

 SCALAcase class A(v: Float) {
  def ÷(b: A): A = A(v / b.v)
val a = A(9)
val b = A(5)
a ÷ b

According to the Scala reference documentation, valid characters for operators include "Unicode categories Sm, So".

That's "Symbols, maths" and "Symbols, others". That covers quite a lot of useful symbols. Including some Emoji! So you could have as an operator.

Try it in your browser.


I took a quick scan through some other modern languages:

In fact, according to the inimitable Xah Lee the only other languages which allow user-defined Unicode operators are Julia and Wolfram.

Julia, I had some difficulty with, but this works:


print(25 ÷ 6)

I am, sadly, not clever enough to even understand the documentation for the Wolfram language.

What next?

Obviously I am now a convert to Scala and will henceforth rewrite all my code in it using multiple Unicode symbols.

But, more practically, I wonder if there's demand for a (new) programming language which treats Unicode operators a first class citizens? Or perhaps future versions of your favourite language should embrace the loving warmth of the Unicode consortium?


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19 thoughts on “Unicode operators for semantically correct programming”

  1. dd says:

    Julia doesn't just let the user define Unicode operators, but also has many of them predefined, such as the "less than or equal" and "not equal" you mentioned. The ÷ division operator is also part of the standard library, but doesn't have the same semantics as the "plain ASCII" division operator: 5.0 / 3.0 == 1.666... 5 / 3 == 5//3 # a rational number But ÷ only returns the quotient, just like dividing integers in C: 5 ÷ 3 == 1 5.0 ÷ 3.0 == 1.0 Square roots are also available (as an operator): √5 == 2.236...
  2. says:

    Most dependently-typed languages support unicode. Both adga and lean support unicode (in functions) and designing your custom operators. It's very useful to write proofs about math: Here's a simple example from Lean: lemma le_lim {x y : ℝ} {u : ℕ → ℝ} (hu : seq_limit u x) (ineg : ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, y ≤ u n) : y ≤ x := begin -- sorry apply le_of_le_add_all, intros ε ε_pos, cases hu ε ε_pos with N hN, cases ineg with N' hN', let N₀ := max N N', specialize hN N₀ (le_max_left N N'), specialize hN' N₀ (le_max_right N N'), rw abs_le at hN, linarith, -- sorry end
  3. Dr. Winston O'Boogie says:

    zHaskell supports defining operators using unicode out of the box:

    $ docker run -it --rm haskell:9 GHCi, version 9.10.1: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ 😕 for help ghci> a ÷ b = a / b ghci> 9 ÷ 5 1.8

    The list you link to is the supported unicode equivalents for builtin operator keywords.

  4. Toby Jaffey says:

    Zig can sort of do it. There's no operator overloading, but it does have generics. It also doesn't allow unicode directly in literals, but it works via the @".." syntax, which is for accessing otherwise illegal literals.

    This is legal

    const std = @import("std");
    fn @"÷"(comptime T:type, a:T, b:T) T {
        return a/b;
    fn @"²"(comptime T:type, a:T) T {
        return a*a;
    pub fn main() !void {
        std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{@"÷"(f32, 10, 2)});
        std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{@"²"(i32, 7)});

What are your reckons?

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