Zotero citations in Markdown - publishing to ePub or PDF
Mostly notes to myself - I hope you find them useful.
So, you want to write your dissertation or thesis in Markdown. But how do you manage all your citations?
- Install Zotero
- Install the Better BibTex plugin
- Restart Zotero. The BBT plugin will launch a configuration screen - use it to set your preferences
- Install VS Code (or VS Codium)
- Install the VS Code Zotero plugin
Now, when you want to enter a citation in Markdown, the combined plugins will generate something like this:
MARKDOWN## Abstract
Space is really big @adamsHitchhiker1979
That @adamsHitchhiker1979
is the citation.
Formatting citations
You want to export your Markdown to something like ePub or PDF with nicely formatted citations like (Adams, 1979)
Use Pandoc!
- Install Pandoc
- In Zotero, use File → Export Library. Export in Better BibTex format as
Add the following configuration section to the top of your Markdown file:
bibliography: test.bib
Run the following command:
pandoc --citeproc test.md -o test.epub
Hey presto! You now have a nicely formatted ePub with all the citations in your preferred format, and the bibliography at the end.
Format the citations better
The citations don't look the way I want them to!
- Download your preferred Citation Style from Zotero, save it as
- Add the following into your Markdown file's configuration section
csl: whatever.csl
Important Make sure that your citations are wrapped in
otherwise Pandoc will mess things up. See the Pandoc Citations Extension for more details.
Your Markdown should look something like this:
bibliography: test.bib
csl: whatever.csl
link-citations: true
# Intro
Computers are complicated [@verletComputerExperimentsClassical1967].
Then run pandoc --citeproc test.md -o test.epub
- you can change the file type to html, pdf, or anything else your system supports.
Make it look even nicer
This is the boilerplate that I use.
bibliography: test.bib
csl: whatever.csl
link-citations: true
reference-section-title: References
title: My brilliant title
# Intro
Computers are complicated [@verletComputerExperimentsClassical1967].
## Something
More info [@smithEvolutionInnovationCapability2017]
<div id="refs">
## References
## The End
That gives you a title, ensures that all in-text citations link down to the references, and puts the references somewhere other than the end. Here's the HTML it produces using pandoc --citeproc test.md -o bib.html
<h1 id="intro">Intro</h1>
<p>Computers are complicated <span class="citation" data-cites="verletComputerExperimentsClassical1967">(<a
href="#ref-verletComputerExperimentsClassical1967" role="doc-biblioref">Verlet, 1967</a>)</span>.</p>
<h2 id="something">Something</h2>
<p>More info <span class="citation" data-cites="smithEvolutionInnovationCapability2017">(<a
href="#ref-smithEvolutionInnovationCapability2017" role="doc-biblioref">Smith <em>et al.</em>, 2017</a>)</span>
<div id="refs" class="references csl-bib-body" role="doc-bibliography">
<h2 id="references">References</h2>
<div id="ref-smithEvolutionInnovationCapability2017" class="csl-entry" role="doc-biblioentry">
Smith, C. <em>et al.</em> (2017) <span>‘The <span>Evolution</span> of an
<span>Innovation Capability</span>’</span>, <em>Research-Technology
Management</em>, 60(2), pp. 26–35. Available at: <a
<div id="ref-verletComputerExperimentsClassical1967" class="csl-entry" role="doc-biblioentry">
Verlet, L. (1967) <span>‘Computer "<span>Experiments</span>" on
<span>Classical Fluids</span>. <span>I</span>. <span>Thermodynamical
Properties</span> of <span>Lennard-Jones Molecules</span>’</span>,
<em>Physical Review</em>, 159(1), pp. 98–103. Available at: <a
<h2 id="the-end">The End</h2>
If that was useful to you - or if you think you know a better way - please drop a comment in the box.
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