Twitter's archive doesn't have alt text - but Mastodon's does!
Because I don't trust Alan, the Hyperprat who now runs Twitter, I decided to download my Twitter archive before setting my account to dormant.
About a decade ago, I wrote about how the Twitter archive works and where it is deficient. Things have got better, but there are still annoying limitations.
For example, Hannah Kolbeck - founder of the Alt Text Reminder Bot recently pointed out that there's no alt text in the archives.
Here's a snippet of Twitter's JSON for an image I posted:
"media" : [
"expanded_url" : "",
"indices" : [
"url" : "",
"media_url" : "",
"id_str" : "1579574018776174592",
"id" : "1579574018776174592",
"media_url_https" : "",
"sizes" : {
"small" : {
"w" : "680",
"h" : "510",
"resize" : "fit"
"medium" : {
"w" : "1200",
"h" : "900",
"resize" : "fit"
"thumb" : {
"w" : "150",
"h" : "150",
"resize" : "crop"
"large" : {
"w" : "1236",
"h" : "927",
"resize" : "fit"
"type" : "photo",
"display_url" : ""
Lots of different media sizing options, but no room for accessibility.
By comparison, the Mastodon social network gives you the alt text. Here's a snippet of Mastodon's JSON for the same image which was cross-posted:
"attachment": [
"type": "Document",
"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
"url": "/media_attachments/files/109/145/933/102/890/212/original/84ae501e39f45091.jpg",
"name": "A sign for priority seating. The pregnant person's face has been replaced by 😍. The person holding a baby has a face of 😫. The elderly person with a cane has 🥴.",
"blurhash": "UhKdk{0LRit6-:t6WCWC-oxaRmWBozt7xaa|",
"width": 1236,
"height": 927
Mastodon is a friendlier alternative to Twitter and - mostly - gets accessibility right. There's still some work to do
You can fix Twitter's missing alt text using Hannah's Alt Text Archive Tool. That'll get you a JSON file full of your alt text, which you can use to recreate your archive.
Look, it's obvious that Alan doesn't give a flying fuck about accessibility, so I don't expect this to change any time soon.
Instead, people should do what they did when MySpace went to shit; move to a different platform.
More comments on Mastodon.