Better sharing of WordPress posts to Mastodon

WordPress's Jetpack plugin allows you to easily syndicate your blog to Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Email, and a few other services. But there's no native way to publish directly to your Mastodon feed.

This is a guide to how I got my blog to publish every new post to Mastodon with a nicely formatted preview. This uses Jan's "Share on Mastodon" plugin which you'll need to install and configure.

Once you've followed these instructions, you'll get a share which has a headline, excerpt, link, hashtags, and images. Ready? Let's go!

What it looks like

Here's a sample post shared onto Mastodon.

The Code

Add this to your theme's functions.php file.

 PHPadd_filter( 'share_on_mastodon_status', function( $status, $post ) {
    //  Create a short preview of the post
    $status = "New blogging from me!\n\n";
    $status .= "\"" . get_the_title($post) . "\"\n\n";
    $status .= get_the_excerpt($post);
    //  Remove the … forced by the excerpt and replace with the Unicode symbol
    $status = html_entity_decode($status);
    //  Add a link
    $status .= "\n\nRead more: " . get_permalink( $post );
    //  Add tags
    $tags = get_the_tags( $post->ID );
    if ( $tags ) {
        $status .= "\n\n";
        foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
            $status .= '#' . preg_replace( '/\s/', '', $tag->name ) . ' ';
    $status = trim( $status );
    return $status;
}, 10, 2 );

If you're familiar with PHP, the code shouldn't contain too many surprises. The only confusing thing for me was needing to replace the hard-coded … with as otherwise Mastodon treats it literally.

So, install "Share on Mastodon" plugin and get hacking!

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3 thoughts on “Better sharing of WordPress posts to Mastodon”

  1. BK says:

    I figured out this code to add the categories as well. Nothing fancy, but wanted to share. Perhaps you could add it in to your code. // Add catogories $categories = get_the_category( $post->ID ); if ( $categories ) { $status .= "\n\n"; foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $status .= '#' . preg_replace( '/\s/', '', $category->name ) . ' '; } } Thanks!

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