Having received Terrence's blog I thought you might want to read the following as an alternative to heat pump technology.
Below, is the internet link/shortcut to the official online written evidence submission publications for the Environmental Audit Committtee's call for evidence for Accelerating the transition from fossil fuels and securing energy supplies.
Please note that my personal submission of evidence, is mostly focused on a solution to the very many complications and inconveniences regarding retrofit, especially expense, disruption and skills shortages. In addition to domestic and non-domestic space heating, our technology is also highly relevant in a number of ways to the decarbonisation of space heating in industrial and public buildings, especially schools, colleges, universities, and, especially, listed buildings, as well as having huge potential for very high energy efficiency process heating (this being only briefly hinted at in ATFF0041, as a one-liner, due to the restrictive 3000 word count) in numerous ways. Cheers.