I completely agree that these things are inevitable in terms of "someone could do this if they haven't already." But the fact is, even the currently practical and marketable examples don't have much uptake. For instance, I have a large (by modern standards) family: my wife and I have eight children. We are, effectively, a small company. It's clearly in our interest to know when we're nearly out of laundry detergent, or dish detergent, or toilet paper, or whatever. But we--and companies--mostly don't care about automating this sort of thing because these logistics have been figured out long ago on a non-computing level. That is to say, on a average, you need so much of x in y time period, not because of what we can "observe" in real time but just because of how human beings are. At the end of the day, no matter how it was recommended to me, I've still got to eat, go to the toilet, and throw things away. There's never going to not be a human component to any of that.