Book Review: There Is No Antimemetics Division

Book cover featuring an ominous black tower dominating the landscape.I can't remember the last book which gave me literal nightmares. After reading the first few chapters of the book, I fell into an uneasy sleep - troubled with dreams about its impossibility.

"Antimemetics" is one of those frighteningly original sci-fi ideas. Sure, the secret-agency-defends-the-world trope has been played to death, but there is something uniquely mind-bending about objects which remove themselves from your consciousness.

The "enemies" (such as they are) are superficially similar to The Silence from Doctor Who - but much more Lovecraftian in their utter terror.

It does get a little twisty and mind-bending-y, but that's an essential part of the experience.

There is a wealth of background reading available if you want to get into the lore.

Just a stunning book.

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