What's the lowest positive integer for which there are no Google search results?

I found this rather humorous Tweet in which a computer issued a cheque for £2,324,252,080,110:

I wondered whether 2324252080110 was a common sort of mistake - like a 32 bit overflow - so I Googled the number:

Google search page showing no results.

Huh! It is rare that a search doesn't provide any results. A search for a similar number gives one result - albeit a spam page On result on Google - for a page which just appears to be a list of numbers.

Type in any random number and there's usually something - even if it's just a glitch result.

Results for a random number.

Every integer under a billion seems to be there (I didn't check exhaustively) - but once you get into the trillions, they become a lot less likely to appear. See:

No results for 2230101000000.

Of course, by writing 2230101000000 on this page, it will eventually find its way into Google all-seeing index - the original number I searched for now leads to page full of results linking to news stories. It's a little like the interesting number paradox.

If you find a lower positive integer, with no results, please let me know!

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5 thoughts on “What's the lowest positive integer for which there are no Google search results?”

  1. says:

    Congrats! Googling today for "2230101000000" now returns one and only one result: Your blog post! The same day it was published! Impressive.

  2. Edward I says:

    The lowest number I've found is 1 645 404 097 without the spaces.

  3. Luke says:

    if you add a bunch of zeros before your number it drastically decreases the number of search results without technically raising the value of the number but this is kinda cheating even though its kinda cheating. like "10324" yields millions of results but "00000000000000000010324" yields none even though it's the same number which makes sense. Also why did this guy say "positive integer" just say whole numbers. Cool post!


What are your reckons?

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