Book Review: Information Warfare and Security by Dorothy E. Denning
I found this book while following a citation trail for my MSc. Published before the 21st Century (fuck, I'm old) it's a run-down of this new-fangled thing called Information Warfare. It covers electronic attacks, espionage, computer security and more.
In the last 20 years, depressingly little has changed. If you removed the mentions of ActiveX and floppy disks, it'd still be 90% relevant. It sets out in clear detail why information warfare is the new frontier - and some practical takes on how it can be defended against.
There is a lot of detail in here - 400 pages of explanation of technical terms. There's also lots of anecdotes - some of which are a little repetitive. You will probably find yourself skipping over a few bit.
But it is a great primer on everything to do with cybersecurity. Even if you don't want to read the details of some proto-h4x0r war dialling the Pentagon, you'll still find loads in here which is useful for the modern IT professional.
The book is, sadly, only available 2nd hand - albeit for a reasonable £3. The only electronic version is a poorly OCR'd copy from The Internet Archive.
Here are a few interesting snippets I found:

Verdict |
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- ISBN: 0201433036