Book Review: The Empyrean by Katherine Franklin

Palia’s emotions are in turmoil. After watching her son succumb to Empyrean fire, she barely escapes the same fate. Guilt ridden and alone, she will not stop until his killer is brought to justice. The Protectorate forbids Ferrash to have emotions. That suits him, since he cannot avoid the people who control the Empyrean. Making this sacrifice prevents them from hijacking his feelings and using them as a weapon against him. When Ferrash spots Palia’s ship venting atmosphere, he is forced to save her. Having an enemy from the Hegemony on board could see him accused of treason. But when the Empyrean reveals its potential as a destroyer of worlds and Palia’s link to it, Ferrash knows he can’t let her leave.
My classmate Katherine has written a book! I decided to back it on Kickstarter so I got an early copy. The rest of you will have to wait until April 2022.
Psychics, spaceships, and interplanetary intrigue! Basically, all the things I love in a sci-fi book. There's a distinct nod to various video-game tropes in here; lots of hopping between worlds, tracking down informants at lavish parties, escort missions which become shoot-outs.
It gets a little convoluted towards the middle - although that may be my fault for reading in during an Xmas dinner coma - but has a rather pleasing narrative arc. It is emotional without being too sappy.
If you're looking for a fun space-epic, which doesn't get too bogged down in politics and technobabble, I think you'll like it.
Verdict |
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- ISBN: 9781915007001
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