The ffmpeg command did not format correctly in the previous message. Replace the \ for every \r and \n with a backtick character. Also remember that the backtick escape character will only work in Powershell. ffmpeg.exe -i input_video_SA3D.mp4 -metadata comment="\r\nzTAKE=001\r\nzSCENE=230812\r\nzTRK1=W\r\nzTRK2=Y\r\nzTRK3=Z\r\nzTRK4=X\r\nzNOTE=\r\n" -metadata encoded_by="LG 360 CAM" -metadata date="2023-08-12" -metadata creation_time="14:50:52" -metadata coding_history="A=PCM,F=48000,W=24,M=multi ,T=LG 360 CAM Spatial Audio Mode;Rec Mode=AmbiX; Mic Position=Upright; Correction Filter=Off" -vn -c:a pcm_s24le -write_bext 1 output_Ambix_FromLossy_NoZChan.wav