I'm really impressed with the audio quality from this camera. It is much better than the expensive Vuze 3D camera. If you record the audio in the '3D' mode then you can listen to the Ambix soundtrack from within 'ZOOM Ambisonics Player'. You just need to extract the audio track using ffmpeg and add additional metadata to the output WAV file. The player allows you to output/export to Stereo/Binaural/5.1 etc. based on the position that you set for the virtual head. Please make sure that you run the command from within Windows Powershell, because the ' escape characters won't be picked up by Command prompt. This is for the \r\n character is in the comment section. The dates/times can be changed and are just examples. ffmpeg.exe -i input_video_SA3D.mp4 -metadata comment="rnzTAKE=001rnzSCENE=230812rnzTRK1=WrnzTRK2=YrnzTRK3=ZrnzTRK4=XrnzNOTE=rn" -metadata encoded_by="LG 360 CAM" -metadata date="2023-08-12" -metadata creation_time="14:50:52" -metadata coding_history="A=PCM,F=48000,W=24,M=multi ,T=LG 360 CAM Spatial Audio Mode;Rec Mode=AmbiX; Mic Position=Upright; Correction Filter=Off" -vn -c:a pcm_s24le -write_bext 1 output_Ambix_FromLossy_NoZChan.wav