A Decade of Drinking Beer on Untappd
10 years ago, I asked an innocent question on Twitter.

The answers came in swiftly - Untappd was the app to use. So, a few minutes later:

In the last decade, how much beer and cider have I drunk?
I've written before about how to extract your data from Untappd using their API.
(A few notes. I don't check in to every drink - I only tend to do so if it's a new beer. Some of these are only tasters of a beer - not a full pint. This is mostly an exercise in playing with R. Visit DrinkAware if you'd like to help manage your alcohol consumption.)
Quick Stats
- 985 check ins.
- 801 unique drinks
- 3.68 average rating
- 4.93 average ABV
Is there a correlation between how strong a drink is, and how much I like it?
beer_data <- read_json("untappd_data.json", simplifyVector = TRUE)
abv <- beer_data$beer$beer_abv
scr <- beer_data$rating_score
plot(abv, scr, main="ABV vs Score", xlab="ABV", ylab="Score")
abline(lm(scr~abv), col="red") # regression line (y~x)
<img src="https://shkspr.mobi/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/scatter.png" alt="A very busy scatter graph." width="627" height="614" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-39661" />
Hmmm... There's some week positive correlation there. But it's a bit muddled. Let's turn that into a hexmap:
bin<-hexbin(abv, scr, xbins=10, xlab="ABV", ylab="Score")
plot(bin, main="Hexagonal Binning")
<img src="https://shkspr.mobi/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/hex.png" alt="A hex graph with a strong centre." width="637" height="549" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-39660" />
Aha! A bit easier to see. Most of the beers I drink are in the 4-5% ABV. And there is some correlation. But, mostly, I just like beer and cider. Hmmm... Which do I prefer?
Let's take a look at Cider first:
beer_data <- read_json("untappd_data.json", simplifyVector = TRUE)
cider <- beer_data[grepl("Cider", beer_data$beer$beer_name), ]
cabv <- cider$beer$beer_abv
cscr <- cider$rating_score
<img src="https://shkspr.mobi/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Cider-Scatter.png" alt="Scatter plot with weak positive correlation." width="650" height="637" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-39662" />
<img src="https://shkspr.mobi/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Cider-Hex.png" alt="Hex plot." width="637" height="549" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-39663" />
How much do I like Cider vs Beer? Just beer (OK, also includes Mead and a few other not Ciders)
Rjustbeer <- beer_data[!grepl("Cider", beer_data$beer$beer_name), ]
boxplot(cscr, ylab="Score", main="Cider Scores", ylim=c(0,5))
<img src="https://shkspr.mobi/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cider-vs-beer.png" alt="Box and whisker diagrams." width="568" height="585" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-39669" />
I like Cider a bit more than beer. Yup!
Let's plot that data on a map! It's a bit more complicated because the JSON is nested.
beer_data <- read_json("untappd_data.json", simplifyVector = TRUE, flatten = TRUE)
venues_list <- beer_data$venue
venues <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, venues_list))
locations_list <- venues$location
locations <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, locations_list))
locations <-subset(locations, venue_state!="Everywhere")
Display them on an interactive map:
locations_sf <- st_as_sf(locations, coords = c("lng", "lat"), crs = 4326)

Let's zoom in on London:
Yup! Looks about right.
Well, that was a fun afternoon of noodling with R. If you'd like to play with the data, you can download a decade of my Untappd data in JSON format