I started to get hundreds of spam messages a day. After doing a WHOIS on each spam message, I realized every single one of the spammers were using NameCheap domains. I started to report every single domain that came in. During the first week, NameCheap was actively deleting every domain I sent in. The spams kept coming with new domains being setup daily. I kept reporting them, until one day I realized they were no longer deleting the domains or responding to my emails. After I complained, they wrote me back saying they now needed even more information about each domain. Basically making my job harder and more time consuming. There was no issues during the first 2 weeks with the format I was using, and was even told to keep sending them in using that same format. I decided I wasn't going to use the format they wanted me to use, instead, opting to contact the BBB to push for a permanent resolution to this issue. Believe it or not, I have not received one single spam email since BBB contacted them. Hmmmm, how easy was that?