We have 16 panels facing south - 10 years old so only 3.2 Kwhp (technology has improved - the panels are still good) Looking at your graphs compared to mine - you have a much longer peak - which is a good thing for consuming your own power. When the feed-in-tarrif was high the main concern was to generate as much power as possible at any time of day - as this generated the return (you get paid for what you generate) But with prices going up and the feed in tarrif going down this changes. These days you just want as much of the day as possible where you don't draw power from the grid. Like today - it as a sunny January and I got 7kwh But a lot of that was getting 2kw around lunch time - a lot of which got exported, If I could have had more power earlier from east facing panels and later from the west - I would have consumed less overall.