I will sign this comment with my name. It is the name I work under. It’s the name I introduced myself to you under. It’s the name the vast majority of my publications (standards documents, and so on) are written under. The copyright notices on my code refer to me by this name. It’s on my Github account, my Gitlab account, my Twitter, and the vCard you can get over XMPP. It’s not, however, the name on my passport. The United Kingdom has a very flexible approach to names. It’s possible to have many of them, and by and large the state deals with this quite nicely. Software developers have enough of a hard time dealing with “Given Name” and “Family Name”, which aren’t really constant features of naming worldwide, and we mostly assume that people have one name per system – but the UK’s more esoteric forms do have slots for multiple concurrent names as well as previous ones. (I wonder, off-hand, whether I should include “dwd” on “Other Names I May Be Known By” bit on such forms. Maybe?) I don’t even particularly dislike my “formal” name, and I use it quite frequently. But not professionally – professionally, I’m Dave, and quite happy with that thanks.