Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - BONUS ENTRY!

The Doctor holding a bomb and saying "Run for your life!"

Hello gang! I've identified all of the mobile phones used in every single episode of Doctor Who! This bonus post looks at a very special entry from s01e01 - but feel free to rummage in the archives. A Rose By Any Other Name... The very first episode of New-Who has some lovely zeitgeisty phones. But there was one I MISSED! I'm indebted to James Sutton for pointing out something which was hiding in plain sight. Yes! That chunk of C4 explosive is controlled by a mobile phone! Here are some…

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The New Mutants - one of the more interesting superhero movies

An artsy poster for the movie.

I hate superhero movies - let's get that out of the way first. They're a bag of clichés, where flashing lights are considered an adequate replacement for new ideas. 2017's "Logan" is the only one I've found interesting. What happens to a Superhero after they're too old for this shit? What does it mean to keep a promise to someone who doesn't remember that you made it? How do we stop our children making the same mistakes we did? The New Mutants is different to most Marvel movies. That has made …

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Book Review: Algorithms of Oppression - Safiya Noble

Book cover showing some distressing Google searches.

Run a Google search for “black girls”—what will you find? “Big Booty” and other sexually explicit terms are likely to come up as top search terms. But, if you type in “white girls,” the results are radically different. The suggested porn sites and un-moderated discussions about “why black women are so sassy” or “why black women are so angry” presents a disturbing portrait of black womanhood in modern society. One of the essential texts of the algorithmic age. It neatly sets out how Google (…

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Review: Moixa Solar Battery

A big white battery on a wall.

A few years ago, I took part in a local trial to install a solar battery in our home. The battery was excellent - and made a reasonable difference for our energy use. Sadly, last year, it died. It was prototype hardware, and these things happen. Moixa offered to replace it with an updated model - which was generous of them. While we were waiting for the new model to come in to stock, we moved house. Then COVID happened... Anyway, long-story-short, we now have a shiny new 2kWh battery…

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What would happen if computers never got any faster?

The crappy 2D graphics of Alex Kidd.

My first computer was a BBC Micro. It could do basic graphics at a resolution of 640×256 - with 8 different colours. Not a typo. Eight! The mono speaker produced bleeps and bloops. It was basic, in all senses of the word. Eventually, talented hackers found a way for it to do simplistic 3D graphics and even speech synthesis. Recently, people have worked out a way to perform ray-tracing on it! …

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Movie Review - The Craft: Legacy

Four teenage witches sprawled on the floor.

A group of high school students form a coven of witches. A sequel to the 1996 film, "The Craft". This bills itself as a sequel to the mid-90's classic, but it's a completely independent movie. Although it is not as dark or scary as its predecessor, it's a fun and challenging film. What starts out as shrieky-teen glee gets pretty grim pretty quickly. OK, at times, it veers into "Toxic Masculinity: The Movie!" But that is probably perfectly calibrated towards its intended audience. Aside…

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Three small tips for shrinking SVG images

Rows of icons - each one has the size printed next to it.

I work on the SuperTinyIcons project. Our aim is to make pixel perfect SVG icons in under 1KB. Because SVG can be quite verbose, every single redundant byte we can eliminate is a byte we can use in drawing. Here are three quick tips for shaving a few bytes off an SVG. Decimal Magic SVG co-ordinates can have decimal precision, like: 123.456. But what about co-ordinates which are less than one? 0.123 can be rewritten as .123 - we can drop the 0! These two sed commands will turn 0. to . and…

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How do you raise a software bug with a book publisher?

HTML code - a span wraps the first letter of a word.

Recently, I bought an eBook which has a bug. I'd like to explain what the bug is, why it is a problem, and how I'm trying to get it corrected. Amazon sells eBooks in KF8 format. That is an ePub with some proprietary extras. ePub is a standard based off HTML5. You can read the ePub 3 specification but, basically, it is a .zip of HTML files. If you unzip an eBook, you can read the source code behind it. When trying to read a Kindle book on a non-Kindle device, I noticed a bug. Some words were…

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Living the Stochastic Life

Many coloured dice in a row.

When I become Emperor Of The World, I will implement my favourite method of electing officials. The Single Stochastic Vote. It's a cheap, simple, and quick way of electing people. It retains the best features of First Past The Post and Proportional Representation. Here's how it works: Everyone in the constituency votes for their most favoured candidate by marking an ☒ next to the candidate's name. All the votes are placed into a ballot box. The ballot box is shaken and stirred. A single b…

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Book Review: Shouting Zeros and Ones - Digital Technology, Ethics and Policy in New Zealand - Andrew Chen

A plain book cover.

‘Understanding how the zeros and ones increasingly influence and control our lives is critical to understanding how we can reciprocate influence and control back onto those zeros and ones.’ This vital book is a call to action: to reduce online harm, to protect the integrity of our digital lives and to uphold democratic participation and inclusion. A diverse group of contributors reveal the hidden impacts of technology on society and on individuals, exploring policy change and personal ac…

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A year of only reading books by women

A montage of books.

Last year, I set myself a challenge to read a new book per week. I managed to read 50 books, which I was pretty happy with. This year, I decided to only read books written by women. Here's what I learned. Obviously, COVID had a fairly negative effect on my reading rate. I went months without touching a book, and some evenings I could only get a few pages in before giving in to the need to doom-scroll. I love reading recreationally, and I need to get back into the habit. I wish I could read…

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New Year's Resolution - start an MSc

A young, beardless Terry - wearing graduation robes.

New Year! New Me! I'm crap at sticking to my multiple resolutions. I think I did okay on last year's resolutions. So this year, I'm just making a single one. At the start of the Gregorian calendar 2021, I'll begin an MSc Digital and Technology Specialist. My resolution is to get my coursework in on time. That's it. It has been so long since I formally studied anything that I'm a little nervous about how I'll get on. I'm going to spend some of the Xmas break brushing up on my stats, doing…

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