I would definitely want this option - though I can think of good arguments for having the ability to switch it on / off. If I could change one thing about the web though, I would make it mandatory on all social media sites to be able to easily discriminate between 'real people' (i.e. those with a trusted, secure link to a real individual, even if their real identity isn't shown to me) and and 'fake people' - e.g. block connections, messages, RTs, even make my account invisible to unless I know you are real and accountable for your online actions. I'm yet to see an argument against doing this that can't be negated by good design (keen to see if anyone else has any though), and it would just mean that if people commit crimes online (bullying / trolling / hate, undermining democracy, identity theft for a start) then they have as much cause to worry as they would if they committed them in the physical world. Obv requires a choice of trusted, free, easy sources of digital ID verification and would need to be an optional feature - there are times when anonymity is acceptable or even vital - but I think that one move could fix so much that is currently wrong with the world.