How popular are "And Daughters" businesses?

It's quite popular to see high street shops names "Somesuch and Sons". Indeed, my grandparents ran "Eden & Sons" for many year.

Much rarer is seeing "... & daughters".

Shop sign - Marlow and Daughers. Via

But, of course, the plural of anecdote is not data!

The UK register of businesses - Companies House - has a pretty good search engine.

Doing a search for AND SON returns 220,000 results. We use the singular because that should also match the plural.

Instinctively, how many "AND DAUGHTER" businesses do you think they are? Fewer? By how much?

A search for AND DAUGHTER returns 206,000 results!

At first glance, they look similar. Yay gender equality! But there's a problem. Both searches also return dissolved companies.

Additionally, "AND SON" also matches "ANDSON" - which distorts the results. How can we get all the live companies in the system? The search doesn't offer any filters.

Companies House offers a nifty search API. But, sometimes, for tasks like this, we just want a honking big CSV. It's 2.2 GB. You're not opening that in Excel. It's PANDAs TIME!

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One thought on “How popular are "And Daughters" businesses?”

  1. Duggie says:

    Looking at the broader set which includes the dissolved businesses, it might provide better understanding to note when the business was trading (what decade or era) and which industry they are part of. That may provide insight into the reason for having fewer now.

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