1,800 days of minute-by-minute solar generation as Open Data
Back in 2014, I released a year's worth of solar generation data. I was enormously proud to recently discover that the data were cited in a couple of academic papers:
Colantuono, Giuseppe &
Kor, Ah-Lian & Pattinson, Colin & Gorse, Christopher
PV with multiple storage as function of geolocation
() page: 217-232. Elsevier BV. Solar Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2018.03.020 - Shukhobodskiy, Alexander Alexandrovich & Colantuono, Giuseppe
RED WoLF: Combining a battery and thermal energy reservoirs as a hybrid storage system
() page: 115209. Elsevier BV. Applied Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115209
Someone privately asked if I had more data - so I'm happy to release the full dataset. About five-and-a-half years' of readings, from 2013-12-28 to 2019-06-23.
The format is of the CSV is simple. ISO 8601 date, Watts being generated, Cumulative power generation.
Some days and data are missing due to power cuts and Internet outages.
The location of the panels was Oxford, UK (51.725275,-1.232889). They were South-facing. More technical details can be supplied if necessary.
These data are licensed to you as CC BY-SA. If you use them in an academic paper, you are expected to publish as open access.
Paul Kelly says:
Andrew says: