Nominations are now open for the @openuk_uk awards

I'm a board member of Open UK - which promotes UK leadership in open technology - and we're looking for nominations for our Open Source Awards.

These are designed to honour the individuals and projects which have made a positive impact to open source, open data, and open hardware.

You can nominate at

There are five categories available:

  • 👶 Young Person
  • 👩 Individual
  • 📊 Open Data – company, organisation or project
  • 🖥 Open Hardware – company, organisation or project
  • 💻 Open Source Software – company, organisation or project

We don't want to see the usual suspects again and again. Who do you love? Who isn't usually nominated for these sorts of awards? Who deserves a round of applause?

And, yes, you should absolutely nominate yourself. Self-promotion of amazing open tech people & projects is highly encouraged.

Nominations are open until midnight UTC 30 June 2020.

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