Building a physical <blink> tag!
This is the latest of my many terrible lockdown-induced ideas. I'm saving money on commuting. So I'm spending it on tech-crap I really don't need. I bought a new laptop sticker.
Anyway, enough waffle, here's the end result:
This uses 2-frame lenticular printing.
browser supports the <blink>
element any more. It used to make text blink. It was a silly idea that got out of hand.
And now I have summoned it back to life in physical form. I am bad. Please don't report me to the W3C.
Lenticular printing is expensive. Most places I found in the UK quoted me around £4 per sticker - but with a minimum order of 100. Youch! They used to give these away free with cereal packets, right?
I contacted a couple of sellers on Alibaba. They quoted around £2.20 per sticker - but with minimum quantities in the thousands. I'd probably have to pay import duty as well.
Eventually, I found TwenT3. Their costs were a much more reasonable £100 for 100 cards. Also, they were the only place which were willing to sell me a single business card, as a sample. Total cost? A fiver - including postage!
I then used some double-sided tape to stick it to my new Linux laptop.
I did consider Eink - but even small displays are expensive. And frequent refreshes can damage the screen. I wanted to stick this to the back of a laptop, and I couldn't find a thin, battery powered board.
What's the point?
mike says:
Jeremy Gould says: