Racist Stickers off our streets

I've got a "fun" new hobby! Step 1) Find a racist sticker. Step 2) Remove it. A crappy sticker which says "Stop the great replacement." In the next photo it has been torn off.

Decentralised sticker production is a mixed blessing. Anyone with a printer and an Internet connection can print off dozens of lo-fi propaganda hits.

Horrible sticker saying "Europe belongs to the Europeans". Torn down and destroyed.

Of course, the crappy stickers were of crappy quality.

Another cheap and nasty racist sticker. Also removed. All the stickers in my community were removed. I reported them to the police, which took the issue seriously but - as they said - they can't exactly dust rain-sodden stickers for finger prints. A "Stop the great replacement" sticker on a lamppost. So, next time you see a hateful defacement, report it to your local council on FixMyStreet - and do feel free to remove it. Or, replace it with something more uplifting.

In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist. Angela Y. Davis

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3 thoughts on “Racist Stickers off our streets”

  1. Mike says:

    I recently scrapped as much as I could of a very well adhered sticker off a lamppost. Some Nazi bullshit, little blond girl doing the salute. It had some small text on it stating that it was not to be used for fly-posting, presumably an attempt to absolve the organisation whose website URL was on it of responsibility for it being stuck to a lamppost. Never occurred to me to report it but if I see another one I will.

  2. Veronika Sz. says:

    Hi, I found a racist sticker few weeks ago on a lamp post, was a shocking one. Reported to a Councillor who said will remove it and report to police, as it didn't happen yet I'm trying to find a way to do more then "just" scratch it off, you have any advice ..?

    1. @edent says:

      Best thing you can do is chat to your councillors and MPs. Explain that you want them to spend time and money tackling this problem.


What are your reckons?

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