Happy Birthday to My Mother - The Monster

Mums, eh? One minute they're teaching you how to read and write, the next minute you're teaching them how to video call casting directors during quarantine.

You see, my mum is an actress. When people ask "what sort" - I could tell them about the award winning short films she has been in. Or the London theatre productions she's starred in. Or the TV commercials you've almost certainly seen.

Instead, I show people the photo I have stored as her phone contact. Carrie Cohen's face is half melted off while she screams in agony.

Somehow, my mum has found a niche playing monstrous women. She's been an alien shape-shifter who devours people, a cannibal, a nightmare fragment.

Carrie Cohen covered in blood.

If you fancy a night of my mum scaring the crap out you, buy her DVDs! A man eating a sandwich full of bloody fingers. A demonic child carries an axe.

Happy birthday, mum!

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