One of the (many many many) things our team worked on this week finally went live:
All the UK's major mobile networks have zero-rated access to NHS websites.
Almost immediately, I had people telling me this was a pointless endeavour - because everyone has unlimited data on their phones. Right?
The UK communications regulator, Ofcom, regularly publishes detailed statistics about the mobile market. The latest report gives us the state of mobile usage until the end of 2018.
Although most pre-pay bundles have limited data - not all do. Some offer unlimited data. And some pay-monthly SIMs have small data allowances.
It's important that we make decisions based on data - not gut instinct.
There's an important argument to be made about Net Neutrality - but, for now, money should not be a barrier to accessing healthcare information.
An excellent initiative.
It is be hoped that this can be extended to allowing unmetered access to web pages for things like claiming benefits - and not just during the current emergency.
Net neutrality is only a problem when company A is zero-rated but not company B. Some websites — like the customer support portal and “My Page” from your phone company and your local equivalent of .gov, and schools and homework portals — should be zero-rated.
Alex Gibson says:
That is EXCELLENT. I agree it should be extended to all government websites. However at least, this arrangement should remain in place. I understand the Net Neutrality precedent concern - however this is not a matter of 'bundling content' or metering service relative to the amount paid - if it's straight up free on all networks, it can sit outside all of that commercial delivery. A better precedent is free 999 calls - and of course, far better if people can get their information via the web pages and keep pressure off 111 and 999. Nice job all concerned!
rjc says:
Yup, I'm on a SIM-only monthly rolling contract (£5) and get 1.5GB a month. Do I run over at times? Not since I've disabled photo/video backup whilst on mobile network ;^) Do I want to pay more? No.
So yes, it's great that access to the NHS online services is free!