My friend, the superhero Jess Rose, posed an interesting question. are you giving your interview questions to the candidate in advance? If not, why not? I've just conducted interviews for some senior roles at work. We run a structured interview process where every candidate gets asked the same set of questions. The interviewers record their scores. Then, after all the interviews are done, we add up the scores - after a bit of arguing - and the candidate with the highest score gets the job. …
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I've been building digital products and services since the dial-up era. I spent many years working in the private sector. Good design is seen as a necessity. Customers will switch to another service which is easier to use, has a better app, or offers a nicer experience. I now work in the public sector, where things are a little different. Jeffrey Allen@jallen300We're hiring #servicedesign-ers at @MoJGovUK!No one wants to come in contact with the justice system — when you do, something has g…
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I'm hooking my solar panels up to the Internet! Installation Inverter API & Code My solar panels have an API! It tells me the total amount of power they've generated each day. But there's a small problem... I have panels on the East and West sides of my roof. My solar inverter has two MPPT "String" inputs. That is, East and West supply power separately. Luckily, there's an API for that! Thanks to "Grannos" on the PVOutput forum for their excellent open source code which helped get me…
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I'm hooking my solar panels up to Twitter! Installation Inverter Fronius provide a comprehensive API guide - I wish more companies did this. There are lots of unofficial libraries in a variety of different languages. I've written this code in Python3. This is a general tidy-up of the code I wrote several years ago. Here's how it works.... Every minute, the script runs from crontab. If it is after sunrise and before sunset, it takes a reading and writes it to today's CSV file. If it is…
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Having solar panels on your roof is great - but you need something to turn their wicked DC electricity into pure and godly AC. This bit of kit is called an "inverter". It's a big box which lives in your roof working magic. This is what ours looks like: We chose a Fronius Primo inverter - they're a reliable brand which we used in our previous build. I've been impressed that every few months my inverter's software was upgraded. Not bad for a 6 year old bit of kit. And, most importantly for my …
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A few years ago, we installed solar panels on our roof in Oxford - I've enjoyed blogging about them. I've released open data from them, inspected them with a drone, and measured what happened during a solar eclipse. They've even been on the BBC! But the best thing I did, was release this little Twitter bot. Edent's Solar Panels@Edent_Solar AutomatedToday I generated 17.37kWh of solar electricity & earned £3.24❤️ 0💬 1♻️ 020:21 - Thu 11 July 2019 At sunset every day, it cre…
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At a recent Staff Away-Day, we were encouraged to write a "Manual of Me". A quick summary of the general ways that you like to work. I don't spend much time on introspection and I found it disturbingly personal. So here's mine for you to enjoy! Excuse my crappy drawing and even crappier spelling. Here's a cleaner version with a bit more detail: Conditions I like to work in Quiet I hate it when all I can hear is other people's phone conversations. I either use earplugs, white-noise, or …
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Once in a while, I'll see someone Tweet a "link" to file:///C:/users/... - that's the Microsoft Windows way of representing a location on a filesystem. Usually this means that the user has tried to either drag 'n' drop something, or copied a link from their file explorer. There are some (mild) infosec risks you should be aware of. Find local user names - this shows you what their username is for their computer: D. Gordon Smith@professor_smithTo help people understand why this sad painting…
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*sigh* These scams are really common. And pretty easy to pull off. Renting an expensive sports car for a day is relatively cheap. Drive it to some fancy locations, wear a couple of rented designer clothes, perhaps pay for a pretty model to pose as your girlfriend, take a load of photos and you can fool Instragram users into thinking you're rich and successful. And then you tell people on social media that if they want your lifestyle, they just need to "invest" in... And, if you're really…
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Dark times, my friends. Dark times. It's up to all of us to pull together. And that means making vital health information accessible. One of the easiest things you can do is make your Twitter content accessible is by adding descriptions to your images. Go to and turn on "Compose image descriptions". Here's why. This is a screenshot of a Tweet I recently saw. The images weren't loading because my area's 3G signal is overloaded. So I got the same experience…
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In British culture - the handshake is the default greeting. It's as ubiquitous as a hearty "good morning" or offering to buy people a round of drinks in the pub. To deliberately not shake hands is rude. It indicates that you are breaking normal social behaviour. Handshakes are political. Back in the 1990s, the Prime Minister shook hands with the Sinn Fein president - leading to protests: "Traitor," they shouted. "Your hands are covered in blood," they barracked him. The loyalist protesters…
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One of the (many many many) things our team worked on this week finally went live: Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentYou can now access most NHS services from your mobile, with no data charges.In awe of the team who pulled this together very quickly.…gov.ukMobile networks remove data charges for online NHS coronavirus adviceFree access to online NHS services will be available for as long as coronavirus (COVID-19) remains widespread in the UK.❤️ 459💬 17🔁 019:30 - Wed 18 Marc…
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