The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 11

Welcome back, friends! I've identified all of the mobile phones used in every episode of Doctor Who! This post looks at S11 - starring Jodie Whittaker - but feel free to rummage in the archives.

The Woman Who Fell to Earth

A great crop of phones for the inaugural episode - and some mysteries.

Ryan's phone looks like a Samsung of some flavour, but it is hard to say. Grace has a modern iPad - probably a mini. Ryan's Phone and iPad.

Ryan's phone seen from behind doesn't offer much more of a clue. The Doctor holding Ryan's phone.

He does have a habit of answering it when it is clearly locked and not receiving a call! Ryan's Phone Close Up. That screen is typical of Samsungs.

Yaz is rocking an iPhone. Yaz holding a phone. Lots of iPhones have a similar camera configuration, but the only one with a silver ring around the lens is the 6+

Her boss at the police station also has an iPhone. A police officer holding an iPhone. Based on the cameras, it can only be a 7 plus or an 8 plus. The 8 comes in "space gray" rather than black, so I'm going with the 7+.

Grace has this odd device. Based on the grill at the bottom, I thought it might be an iPhone - but it appears to have a central camera. And iPhones typically have the speaker on the bottom right - this one is on the bottom left. Grace's Phone. The calling screen appears to have a row of icons - most un-iPhone like.


Technically, no phones. But The Doctor lets slip that she's given Elvis a phone. Elvis has, of course, lent the phone to Frank Sinatra.

Graham poses as Steve Jobs...

We’re here to pitch an invention. It’s a telephone that plays music and it’s a camera also takes photos. And it’s a calendar. And it sends letters...

Arachnids in the UK

An Earth-bound episode, so lots of phone action.


Yaz holding a phone. Still rocking the same iPhone from the first episode.


Yaz's sister. An iPhone 7+ or 8+ judging by the camera layout.


Yaz's mum holding a phone. The bottom connector and grilles show this to be the iPhone 5s. One of her daughter's hand-me-ups, no doubt!

Frankie Ellish

A curious one this. The back looks completely flat, with very curvy corners. A phone with cobwebs on it. Not a clue what it is!

Jack Robertson

Our Trump-wannabe briefly holds this before losing it to the spiders.

A phone face down.

A dust covered phone. I think it's the same as Frankie's. Obviously a corporate deal!

The Doctor!

Rare for The Doc to hold a phone! The Doctor holding a phone. The same model as Naji's. Where did she get it from...?!


Mitch has a Samsung. Mitch's phone. There are hundreds of similar models. I'm pretty sure it's a J2.

Lin also has a Samsung, but I can't quite place it. Perhaps a J7? Lin's phone.

Lovely to see the continuity department doing a bang-up job on the dates on the phones - all set to the 1st of January 2019.

First time seeing Graham using a phone: Graham on an iPhone. Just an iPhone.

The Doctor

Great shot of The Doc on Yaz's phone: The Doctor on the phone.

...and that's it for this season. I can't wait for the next one!


Enjoyed this post? Here are the other seasons of Doctor Who:

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One thought on “The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 11”

What links here from around this blog?

  1. Nokia 3200 with a photo of a Slitheen displaying. The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 1
  2. Mickey Smith Mickey Smith holding a flip phone. The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 2
  3. The Doctor holding a blue flip phone. The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 12
  4. The Doctor holding a bomb and saying "Run for your life!" Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - BONUS ENTRY!
  5. Graham holding an iPhone. The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who – Revolution of the Daleks
  6. Montage of Dan holding his phone. The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 13 - Flux
  7. Ace holding a BlackBerry phone. The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - 2022 Specials

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