Guide: Add an English Dictionary to Boyue Likebook eReaders

This is a quick guide to adding a new dictionary to your eBook. This uses the English Wiktionary Dictionary. I've tested it on my Likebook Ares and it works!

Download the latest dictionary from At the time of writing, the latest English version is October 2018

The dictionary file is a .7z file. It's easiest to unzip it on your computer, rather than the eReader. I recommend 7zip.

There are three files:

  • wikt-en-en-2018-10-07.ifo
  • wikt-en-en-2018-10-07.idx

Copy all of the files to the /Dict folder in the root of your eReader.

Open up a book using the default reader app. Long press on any word and the default definition will pop up.

Dictionary popup.
  • Press the A-Z dictionary icon in the top right corner.
  • Untick the system dictionary and make sure the Wiktionary dictionary is ticked.
  • Then press the up arrow so Wiktionary is at the top. List of dictionaries.
  • Press back.
  • Long press on a word again.
Wikitionary definition popup.


That's it! Your eReader now has a modern English dictionary with definitions.


You can build your own dictionaries using the Open Source Wikitonary Convert tool

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6 thoughts on “Guide: Add an English Dictionary to Boyue Likebook eReaders”

  1. Mirko says:

    very thanks is possible to have eng-ita ita-eng dictionary? i dont find this for my likebook
  2. Kyaw Min Khaing says:

    Thanks, Now I can add useful dictionary to my newly bought Ares.

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