Book Review - Sherlock Holmes vs Dracula

After a mysterious schooner runs aground in an English harbor with no human passengers -- only the dead captain, drained of blood -- a series of bizarre nocturnal crimes takes place in London. It can only be the work of Count Dracula, and only one man can save the city: the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes.
This is a very silly book!
I recently watched the amazing film "Batman Vs the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". It was exactly what I wanted to watch when I was 12. The plot is Batman, right, versus TMNT. That's it.
So, we move on to Loren D. Estleman's novel from 1978.
That's it. That's the story.
In truth, it has been many years since I read any Conan Doyle or Bram Stoker - so I can't vouch for how accurate a pastiche this is. But it feels right.
It is a short story - less than 200 pages - but it covers all the fan-service things that you want out of a cross-over story. Lots of fun.
Verdict |
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- ISBN: 9781781161432
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