Review - The End of The Day by Claire North

Sooner or later, death visits everyone. Before that, they meet Charlie. Charlie meets everyone - but only once. Sometimes he is sent as a courtesy, sometimes as a warning. Either way, this is going to be the most important meeting of your life.
This reads almost like poetry. I absolutely adored Claire North's debut novel "The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August" so I was keen to get cracking on this one.
A superb and surreal tale of the Harbinger of Death who, naturally, works out of Milton Keynes. Death, in this novel, is less ponderous than Terry Pratchett's Death - but no less caring. We get to see the world through their eyes while, hopefully, beginning to understand what motivates us in the face of oblivion.
Grim and compelling. I found the ending shocking in its brutality. Hauntingly beautiful and moving.
Verdict |
- Buy the eBook on Amazon Kindle
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- ISBN: 9780356507361
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