Thanks for this. As a bulb customer, I have moved over from EDF’s smart meter tariff and onto the standard plan with Bulb. I considered the Smart Tariff, but that Peak-Time jump is monstrously high. Like you, our family becomes more active from 4pm. 3/4 of the family are home then (or getting there) and we are cooking, cleaning and getting ourselves settled. A move over to a 7pm cook isn’t a viable option for us (we’re all different), and I don’t think a blanket ban on the washing machine between 4pm and 7pm is going to fly. Even without a detailed track of my usage, I know that the majority of the energy we consume will be around that peak moment, with very little being used in the off-peak time. I suppose we are exactly the type of users they modeled their tariff on – we are more likely to spend MORE on the smart tariff than the regular – especially if we don’t or can’t make enough Energy Changes to make use of the lower off-peak prices.