@edent. OK so looks like this may be down to a syntax error in your given code. I think there needs to be " when you have shown as ' around 'Authorization: Bearer abc'
No idea why this has changed and why the single equations work for other queries but the code that works for me for pulling historical data for a single date is:
https://my.tado.com/api/v2/homes/123456/zones/1/dayReport?date=2018-02-14' -H "Authorization: Bearer abc"
What I would love to know though, is how on earth you pull out the data for multiple days (or even a years worth of data). I see on your other post "two years worth of heating data" you attach the files and each day has its own json file. Are you happy to share the code on how to pull this info down please? That would be a great help as I have got as far as my limited abilities can get me for now... Thank you.