The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 3

To celebrate the upcoming series Doctor Who staring Jodie Whittaker, I'm attempting to chronicle all the mobile phones used in previous shows.

If you think you've spotted something that's not listed here, or think I've made a mistake, drop it in the comments.

Phones play a massive part in this series - more so than any before. You can <follow along with all the series at

The Runaway Bride

Donna's dress has no pockets - so she doesn't get a phone in this episode. But the Doctor borrows a guest's device and sonics it: Doctor's phone in Runaway Bride.

Fairly distinctive shape. That's the BenQ-Siemens EF81. A Benq flip phone.

Smith And Jones

The first episode starts with everyone talking on their phones! Most are too fleeting to tell which models they are. Here are the ones I've spotted.

Clive Jones

An odd one this. It looks like a QWERTY keyboard, but closer inspection shows it to be this unique 5x3 arrangement. Is it a BlackBerry? An iPaq? Something alien?

Nope! The Sony Ericsson M600! Sony Ericsson M600.jpg

Martha Jones - 42

The Doctor enables "Universal Roaming" on Martha's phone.

Martha Jones holding a flip phone.

That's the BenQ-Siemens EF81 again! Good prop recycling :-)

Francine Jones - 42

Later in the episode, Martha's mum gets called by her daughter. A Sony Ericsson phone. The orange button means this can only be the Sony Ericsson W810. Nice! Product shot of the phone.

Sally Sparrow uses this phone - blink and you'll miss it! Sally Sparrow with a phone. I'm going to punt on that being the Nokia 6151. The silver sides, Nokia POP port at the bottom, and D-Pad all look similar.

There's another phone in use by Kathy Nightingale in this episode. Nightingale with her phone.

I think it is almost certainly a Samsung. Their flip phones from the mid-2000s had the same sort of front screen, with logo underneath. But which one? Samsung ZV10 looks right from the front, but wrong from the back. The Samsung X680 is also tantalisingly close. Reckon you know what it is? Stick your guess in the comments.

Samsung E700?

The Sound of Drums

Two new phones in this episode - and they are frustratingly obscured from view!

Leo Jones - Martha's brother - has this cool slider. Man holding phone. FALSE! That isn't a slider! It's one of Nokia's few swivel phone! The 7370

The Master does sport a funky little slider. Unusually for a slider from this era, the camera is on the body - not the slide.

It's the Samsung D600!


On to series 4!

Loads of phone in series 3 - but how does it compare to the others? You can follow along with all the series.

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6 thoughts on “The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 3”

      1. WhoPhone says:

        It is the Samsung E530, because you can see the design of the flash of the camera and flash on it, in the shot of Kathy's phone to her chest!

  1. WhoPhone says:

    Martha Jones' Sister, Tish Jones drops a phone in The Sound of Drums around 16:20 which is a Samsung D500 i think!!


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