Convert Surround Sound WAV albums to individual opus files
As ever, notes to myself. This is a method to take a .wav
and .cue
and transform it into individual files. In this case, .opus
Transform to .flac
FLAC is a good intermediary file format, especially for surround sound files.
avconv -i file.wav out.flac
Transform to .opus
An optional step if you want smaller files. Maximum quality for 6 channel audio.
opusenc --bitrate 4096 out.flac out.opus
Create an .mkv
Add to an MKV with all the chapter information.
mkvmerge -o test.mkv --chapters file.cue out.opus
Split to individual files
Individual MKVs
mkvmerge test.mkv --split chapters:all -o track.mkv
Extract the Audio
One at a time:
mkvextract tracks "track-001.mkv" 0:"individual.opus"
All-In-One bash script
json=$(ffprobe -i "file.mkv" -print_format json -show_chapters -loglevel error)
count=$(echo $json | jq ".chapters | length" )
mkvmerge test.mkv -D -S --split chapters:all -o "%02d.mkv"
while [ $COUNTER -le $count ]; do
printf -v zerotrack "%02d" $COUNTER
json=$(ffprobe -i "$zerotrack.mkv" -print_format json -show_chapters -loglevel error)
title=$(echo $json | jq ".chapters[0].tags.title" -r)
filename="[$zerotrack] $title"
mkvextract tracks "$zerotrack.mkv" 0:"$filename.opus"