This SVG always shows today's date
For my contact page, I wanted a generic calendar icon to let people view my diary. Calendar icons are almost always a skeuomorph of a paper calendar, but I wondered if I could make it slightly more useful by creating a dynamic icon.
Here it is, an SVG calendar which always display's today's date:
The background image is derived from the Twitter TweMoji Calendar icon - CC-BY.
Text support in SVG is a little awkward, so let me explain how I did this.
SVG supports JavaScript. This will run as soon as the image is loaded.
<svg onload="init(evt)" xmlns=""
aria-label="Calendar" role="img" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
Next step is to get the various date strings. I'm using the en-GB
locale as that's where I'm based.
<script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
function init(evt) {
var time = new Date();
var locale = "en-gb";
I want to display something like "Sunday 25 FEB" - the locale options allow for short and long names. So you could have "SUN 25 February".
var DD = time.getDate();
var DDDD = time.toLocaleString(locale, {weekday: "long"});
var MMM = time.toLocaleString(locale, {month: "short"});
Finally, we need to add the text on to the image.
var svgDocument =;
var dayNode = svgDocument.createTextNode(DD);
var weekdayNode = svgDocument.createTextNode(DDDD);
var monthNode = svgDocument.createTextNode(MMM.toUpperCase());
Text positioning is relatively simplistic. An X & Y position which is anchored to the bottom of the text - remember that letters with descenders like g
will extend beyond the bottom of the Y co-ordinate. This is also where we set the colour of the text, its size, and a font.
A monospace font makes it easier to predict the layout.
<text id="month"
style="text-anchor: left"></text>
A word on anchoring. To centre the anchor, use style="text-anchor: middle"
A quick test shows that this works on all desktop browsers and Android browsers. I've not tested on iPhones or anything more exotic.
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Eric Andersen says:
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Code a game?
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