Generally speaking, the HMI product line is not made to server as a main display for RPI nor any other platform with linux system. A plain HDMI display is more than enough for these systems. Nextion HMI is born for embedded systems like Arduino and other MCUs developers. These guys are suffering from GUI development. Think about that, making GUI in C language for a ST or Atmel microcontroller is a nightmare. And here comes Nexiton to help you turn your technology into art. I think you would have to write exactly the same about 4dSystems, MikroElektronica and all the others out. None of them offer MAC or Linux software support, none of them offer a plain HDMI connect ... And indeed their virtual Designer Software is even more complex ... BTW, the major market of Nextion product line is industrial market. Yep, as a marketing director from ITEAD, obviously I am not happy with this review. But the foundation we work with the reviewers is "tell the readers what you really think". So, it's OK, the cooperation continues. Actions speak louder than words. Would you please do an experiment? Step #1 Adopt Arduino and a plain LCD, develop the same thing, same function like the demo Step #2 Do it again follow the demo video. And tell the readers what you think. Thanks. BR Jerry Shi ITEAD Studio